Digital Destinations / Professional Photographer in New York City, New York

John Neitzel, Professional Commercial Photographer operating in Manhattan with 20+ years of experience shooting locations and studio assignments for advertising, corporate and editorial clients. Also specializing in Virtual Tours, Panoramic Photography and 360 degree object movies. Please visit my website for a complete review of work and capabilities. Contact me directly at for inquiries. Please do NOT use the shop around feature as I can't respond. If you'd like a competitive quote for your project give me a call with details. I only do B to B commercial photography, no retail, birthdays or weddings.
Thank You.


360 Degree Panoramic Imagery And VR Tours Commercial Advertising (Products, Marketing) Corporate Creating Content That Is Deployable Across A Vast Array Of Media Digital Photography Interiors And Architectural Location Photography Landscape Photography Lifestyle On-Location Photojournalistic Style Real Estate Photography Retouching Studio Sessions
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