Kapture - Keston Bernard Photography / Professional Photographer in Lafayette, Louisiana

Kapture is founded by me, Keston Bernard, a self taught Freelance Photographer with a love for photos. I didn't really decide to start Kapture, it chose me. One because I seem to always find myself with a camera in my hands and two because people liked my photos and would ask me to take theirs. I love the mystery of life, how from one moment to the next, each is gone - never to be repeated again. Oh I know some things come back around, daily, weekly, annually and what not but those actual moments are gone and all you're left with is a memory - a memory that eventually fades - except for those moments that were Kaptured on film or video.
Have you ever realize how you forget about something until you see a picture - then you go "oh yeah! I remember that" - because it brings back those special memories weather good or bad? Well that's what Kapture is about ... "Kapturing" your memories on film.


Actor's Headshots Albums Anniversary Photos Baby Portraits Black & White Photography Bridal Photos Business & Corporate Headshots Canvas Prints Children's Photography Commercial Advertising (Products, Marketing) Concert Events Couples Creative Photography Customized Services To Your Needs Destination Weddings Digital Photography Engagement Shoots Family and Class Reunions Family Photography (Portraits, Lifestyle, Vacation) Family Photography And Baby Photography Services Graphic Design Headshots High School Senior Portraits Landscape Photography Maternity & Infant Newborn Photography Modeling Portfolio & Headshots Musicians Natural Light Nature On-Location Outdoor Outdoors People Photo Books Portraits Prints Real Estate Photography Senior Photo Session Special Effects Toddler Trash The Dress Session Travel & Tourism Wedding Photography Weddings on a Budget
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