Bella Vita Creative / Professional Photographer in Mount Vernon, Washington

Bella Vita Creative offers portrait, family, senior, and intimate wedding photography. We also specialize in multimedia slideshows (photo fusion videos). These are great for weddings, anniversaries, graduations and birthdays; you name it!

My goal is to make your heart skip a beat, bring tears to your eyes (or at least make your chin wobble), make you laugh, or bring a smile to your face every time you view the images you cherish.

I have a strong artistic eye developed through a lifelong passion for visual arts, including a broad background in graphic design, marketing, and public relations. I love to use rich colors, elegant graphics, and captivating music, photos, and video to preserve moments in time that resonate with the emotions and personality of each client I photograph.


Black & White Photography Children's Photography Digital Photography Engagement Shoots Event Photography Family Photography (Portraits, Lifestyle, Vacation) High School Senior Portraits Landscape Photography Lifestyle Nature On-Location Pet Photography Photojournalistic Style Portraits Weddings on a Budget
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