Daniel Humphries-Russ / Professional Photographer in Sykesville, Maryland

In the beginning, it is all about the light; in the end, it is all about the print. I am an artist that works with light. Photography is a process that captures light in a way that I can print it. George Eastman said, “Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.” I photograph by available light; natural or artificial, as this is the light we live by. I make my own original prints using current technology and traditional techniques such as contrast and color adjustment, dodging and burning. I compose tightly in the viewfinder and I print full frame. The viewer sees exactly what I saw in the viewfinder. Ansel Adams said, “To visualize an image (in whole or in part) is to see clearly in the mind prior to exposure, a continuous projection from composing the image through the final print.” It is a process of capturing light to show it in the print. In the beginning, it is all about the light; in the end, it is all about the print.


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